Christopher Greer
Christopher Greer


Marketing Strategies for the Health & Wellness Industry

SouthBridge Incorporated began operations in 1993 for the purpose of taking US vitamins and supplements to Brazil and Argentina.


Upon graduation with a masters degree in business management I spent fifteen years overseas with an international bank. I understand the importance of profit, cash flow and debt levels. But I much prefer sales! When I returned to the main office in 1993 I quickly realized that meetings and politics were not in my skill set.So I chose to join forces with a former Brazilian bank colleague who had recently started a family import business. I already liked the selected products.

Why Vitamins & Supplements?

Since my thirties, I have pursued my own health and wellness.I have completed four marathons. I watch what I eat. I consume daily many vitamins and supplements. I am a loyal member of the middle aged target market.
In addition to personal experience my contact with orthomolecular doctors has been invaluable for understanding what really works and how. I have researched and collected lots of material on the benefits of many products and protocols.

Writing: Work and play

I like to write.I have been a writer for many years. I enjoy the challenge and creative outflow. They say that writing is a muscle to be exercised. It is a part of my daily discipline.Living overseas afforded me the chance to become fluent in Portuguese.I also have a working knowledge of Spanish. I believe that knowing and using another language also makes that muscle stronger.Through another language I sometimes perceive a different, perhaps a novel way of saying the same thing in English.

Our Work

To stay on target in new and exciting ways.

  • We are relationship driven. Before starting a project we want to learn as much as possible about your company and products and target market.We hope that one successful assignment might be the first of more to follow.
  • Our work will be well researched, credible and drafted mindfully for an easy flow.


We will always be accessible for questions and updates while respecting the meaning of deadlines.

  • We will not take on work beyond our scope of expertise. Collaboration might be an option.
  • All company and customer information will be kept in total discretion and confidence!

Please contact us to see what we might accomplish together.